Support Us

Template Studios is strictly a hobby project, and as such we’re happy to share our games with you free of any charge. But if you enjoy our games and would like to give something back, there’s many things you can do to make us happy!

Give us a kind word!

You can email us at jjones at Or if you’d like to just send us a quick thought – here’s a form:

Tell Others About Our Games!

You can post about us in communities you are a part of. Or you can review our games on

Join our community!

We’d love to find folks who might be interested in reviewing future pre-release versions of games. We’d also potentially be interested in future collaborators on game projects – in particular graphic artists (which could hypothetically include some pay incidentally). If you think it might be fun to work on games with us email us or fill out this form:

Your name or moniker. Doesn’t have to be your real one!
Only if you wish to give it, but we won’t spam you or give it to other parties.